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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Gluten-Free Sandwich Bread

I was heading home from karate last night when my friend Stacey calls me and screams "Ron made the best gluten-free bread". Stacey is one of my good friends from work who also has Celiac Disease. Gluten-Free bread has a bad reputation. Texture wise, some can be gummy and hard like a brick. I was starving and headed over to Stacey's house. The bread Ron made was from this Gluten Free Pantry mix.

Ingredients: White rice flour, brown rice flour, potato starch, skim milk, whey, corn starch, brown sugar, guar gum, salt, and a packet of yeast.

Ron did everything in his bread machine. Per instructions on the package, he added 2 eggs, 1 cup water, 3/4 cup milk, 2 Tablespoons earth balance and 2 tablespoons oil.

The bread took 1:15 minutes from start to finish which is incredibly fast for bread. Unlike regular glutenous breads, gluten-free breads don't need to rise much, so prep time is quicker! +1 for gluten-free!

One thing you should know about me is that I absolutely LOVE bread, especially Challah, a delicious jewish egg bread. I'm a professional baker and every year I would always make the Challah for Rosh Hashana and Hanukkah. This has truly been the one thing I really missed since being diagnosed with Celiac Disease ..... until last night! See photo below of my breads.

Ron cut me a slice, I took a bite and was in HEAVEN. For the next 10 minutes, as I continued eating it, I was speechless. This bread tasted just like what I remember my beloved Challah tasting like - soft, light, flavorful and just utterly decadent!

I am so excited to experiment with this bread mix. I think it could definitely work as a challah and would make a beautiful braided loaf. Just a little egg wash on top for some shine and it should come out looking like the original thing!

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