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Thursday, January 6, 2011

My Story and Road to Health

For those of you who know me, know I am a health and fitness fanatic. I was a competitive gymnast for 10 years, AYSO Soccer player, and played volleyball, soccer, tennis, and ran track and cross country, in high school. My older sister was a gymnast, mom was always an avid tennis player and my dad, when he turned 50 (14 years ago), ran his first marathon. Yes, an active family we are and I feel so blessed to have been brought up this way.

As a gymnast, I never had to worry about my weight and what I ate. My mom always cooked very healthily, but I remember eating taco bell, McDonald's and lots of soda and sweets. But I was doing gymnastics 3-4 hours a day, so I would burn everything off. After I quit gymnastics, my body changed and I put on a little bit of weight. I new at this time, I needed to do something about it. My mom started running marathons shortly after my dad started and they both inspired me to start training, at the age of 15, for my first. I changed my diet significantly at this time, started running with my mom and dad and ran my first marathon in Disney World, when I was 16.

Something else happened when I was 16. My period stopped. At this time, I was still training for my first marathon, but I was a healthy, normal weight. Nine months later, my ob/gyn put me on birth control to make me menstruate again. She associated it all with my running and said that wasn't healthy to go months at a time with no period and that I would be at risk for osteoporosis later on in life. Seven years later, during the Summer of 2008, I decided it was time for me to go off the pill. I really had no good reason to go off it other than the fact that I was just sick of taking it every single day and didn't like putting fake hormones into my body. Well, to my surprise (or not) my period never came back.

In December 2008, I went in for my annual physical and my doctor said I had iron deficiency anemia. My iron levels were very very low and there was good explanation for this. I've always been a good eater and ate a wide variety of foods, red meat and tons of greens, included. I had been struggling with my marathon training for some time and it had made sense why my energy levels were so low. My internist was concerned and she referred to a Gastroenterologist for further testing, as she suspected I might have an autoimmune digestive disorder called Celiac Disease.

A couple dozen blood tests later, a colonoscopy, glucose tolerance test, Brain MRI, pelvic ultrasound, bone density scan, and an Endoscopy, I was diagnosed with Celiac disease, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), and Osteopenia. I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease on February 19th, 2009.

I was an emotional wreck on Feb 19th. Although the mystery had been solved as to why I had unexplained iron deficiency anemia and secondary amenorrhea (no period), I had to completely change the way I ate starting the moment I got home from the doctor. Celiac Disease is the only condition in which diet is the only cure. One must adhere to a strict 100% Gluten-Free Diet for life. Although I was saddened by all this, I considered myself lucky for a few reasons. First off, I was on a road to finally becoming healthy again. And secondly, I majored in Public Health/Nutrition at Berkeley and was working at UCLA's Clinical Research Center as a Nutritionist. So, nutrition and health have always been passions of mine, so I suppose I was the ideal person so have the diagnosis.

The Celiac diagnoses was honestly such a blessing in disguise. I was inspired to go back to school and become a Certified Holistic Health Coach and work with individuals who have been diagnosed with Celiac Disease, food allergies, or just want to improve their health and wellbeing.

While at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, in NYC, I noticed that so many students were starting their own natural food companies. Raw Chocolate making was a popular one! It was then that I decided that I wanted to pursue my lifelong passion of becoming a professional baker and owning my own business.

Baking was always a hobby of mine. I was the official birthday cake maker for family and friends and fell in love with it even more after culinary school. However, with all the hundreds of cupcake shops sprouting up all over the US, I didn't think I had a chance to compete with them. However, things were different now! I had a specialty - Gluten Free! I knew with a lot of patience, research and experimentation, I would be able to create the most delicious gluten-free creations, just like I had done before with my other baked goods. And I did!

Fast forward to 2011, I have never felt better. I eat better than ever before, cook most of my meals at home and still enjoy eating out with friends! I've become a better and faster runner and I got my period back! (sorry if that's a little TMI :D )

But best of all, I've been embarking on my dream - to become a successful Health Coach and run my very own Gluten-Free Bakery. I can already tell that this is going to be one great and exciting year, full of lots of surprises! Please follow me on my journey :)

visit to see what I do!

Thanks for reading Smile



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