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Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Big Fat Greek Seedy Breakfast

Most of you have seen me post photos of my crazy looking breakfasts, most of which contain chia seeds. I thought I would write and share a bit about one of my favorite concoctions. I call it My Big Fat Greek Seedy Breakfast. It all starts with the ingredients below:

1. Greek Yogurt: I absolutely love plain Greek yogurt. The Fage brand is one of my favs because it's super thick and creamy. It's 100% Natural, gluten-free and contains live active cultures. It's also packed with 15g protein for the 6oz container, and is a great breakfast or snack option for those on gluten-free diets or diabetics.

2. Chia Seeds: I always mix chia seeds into my yogurt. Chia seeds, when soaked in a liquid for a few minutes, turn gummy, almost like the texture of boba (tapioca). I love adding texture to my food - makes eating more fun! Chia seeds are superfoods and contain tons of fiber, protein and omega 3 fatty acids! Click here to read their complete nutrient profile.

3. Banana: I eat 1 banana every day - usually with my breakfast. However, I am very picky when it comes to eating them. I will only eat bananas if they are ripe or overripe. I don't mean all black and mushy ( i'll be saving those for banana bread), they just need to be completely yellow with a few (or a lot) of black spots. They have the most flavor and still have good texture. Supposedly, the antioxidant properties in the fruit increase as they ripen, so it's good that I prefer yellow bananas!

4. Fruit Preserves/honey: I love adding either a spoonful of all natural fruit preserves or a bit of honey to my yogurt. This just makes everything taste 10x better. The Banana alone gives the yogurt enough sweetness, but I just love the honey or jam combo with it as well :)

The final product looks like this:

My tummy was happy. This was today's breakfast. Looks kind of funky, but I assure you, tastes so delicious!! It's great to try new foods. Try making this yourself and let me know how you like it.


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